Hourly Parking (Lorry)
- B3 Loading/Unloading AreaPeriod (Available for whole day) | Price (per hour) |
Mon - Sun & PH | First two hours HK$30 After the first two hours HK$48 |
Period (Available for whole day) | Price (per hour) |
Mon - Sun & PH | First two hours HK$30 After the first two hours HK$48 |
*Terms & conditions apply. For details, please refer to in mall promotional materials.
*The above privilege is subject to change without prior notice. The above privilege and terms & conditions are subject to change and the announcement in mall shall be final.
*All users must follow the carpark rules and regulations of using the carpark, for details, please observe the rules and regulations of parking and any changes or additions thereto imposed from time to time displayed at the entrance of the relevant car park.